CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday January 20th 2003 "Look Baby, I'll come over tomorrow night, okay?" Skeeter said into his cell phone as he heard the doorbell ring. "Skeeter are you sure that you aren't seeing Tiffany tonight?" Jan asked. She had stopped by the townhouse where Tiffany worked and overheard them talking in the kitchen. It wasn't so much what they said that bothered her as much as the passion filled pauses. "No. Look Baby, I told you I just stopped by to talk to Tiffany about the divorce," he said rushing towards the living room and hitting the button on the buzzer to let Tiffany into the building. "Okay. I guess I'll have to trust you. Remember Skeeter the announcement of our engagement will be in the newspapers this weekend. If you know what's good for you won't embarrass me." "Of course not," he said wondering if she would come stop by and try to catch him with Tiffany tonight. "What are you going to do tonight?" he asked. "Go out with friends," she said. "Okay, Baby, have fun," he said hearing Tiffany's footsteps coming up the stairs and approaching his floor. "Don't embarrass me Skeeter. If you do, New York City won't be big enough for the two of us," Jan said. "I won't baby. See ya tomorrow night," he said disconnecting the call on his cell phone as he walked towards the front door. He opened the heavy metal door of the apartment. "Skeeter," Tiffany said smiling at her handsome estranged husband. "Come on in Baby," he said motioning for her to come into the living room of his Bleecker Street apartment. "It's really cold outside," Tiffany said taking off her heavy coat and putting it on the back of the futon as Skeeter closed the door. "Yeah, you never get used to this weather do you?" he said turning to glance at her as she took a seat on his futon. His eyes immediately focused on her long shapely legs in the tight jeans and her curves in the snug sweater she was wearing. "Do you ever miss Georgia?" she asked as he walked towards her. "All the time Baby." "Me too," she admitted. "Look Baby, would you like to go out for a drink or something?" he asked. "I didn't think you wanted to go out. I mean aren't you afraid that Jan might find out we are together?" "I don't want to worry about her tonight. I want to enjoy being with you." "Well, I don't know," she hesitated not wanting to be seen with her estranged husband. She wasn't ready for her secret lover Amir to find out she was renewing the relationship with Skeeter. "Is Starlene at your apartment tonight?" he asked referring to her sister. "I think she went to Stanley's." "Then let's go to your place." "Skeeter what's wrong? You said today you wanted to talk and I agreed to come over here so that we could talk. What's the matter?" "Well, I just want to be relaxed with you." "I'm relaxed," she said putting her arm on the back of the futon. "I mean relaxed enough that we could get back together," he said searching for words. "You mean you want to do more than just talk?" "That would be nice," he admitted as he smiled and took a seat beside her on the futon. "What do you think Baby?" he asked sliding his hand along her shapely thigh in the tight jeans she was wearing. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.