The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
BE CAST AS AN INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA STAR! Stars: Tiffany Diamond, Skeeter Diamond, Starlene, Clark Masters Nicole Masters, Jan Morgan, Stanley Morgan, and Amir Hada.
Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter just became engaged to Clark's client, Jan. Tiffany's boss Clark doesn't know that his new bride Nicole had been secretly seeing Skeeter too.
CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday November 26th 2002 "Honey why don't you wear that new dress you bought?" Clark asked as he watched his new bride Nicole getting dressed to go out to dinner. "I put it in the dry cleaners," she said remembering how the next door neighbor Greg had spilled beer on the expensive new dress when she stopped by his house the other day. "Oh. I didn't think you'd ever worn it," Clark said. "What's the matter you don't like this skirt and sweater?" she asked turning to face him. "No. It's really nice." The intercom rang on the table in their bedroom. "I wish Tiffany would handle business so we could have some time off," Nicole said. "We'll soon have enough money to get an office and it will be easier," he said apologizing for the combination living and work arrangement that had saved him so much money before he got married. "Yes," Clark said hitting the button on the intercom. "Clark. Jan called to tell you that she won't be able to come by the office tomorrow," Tiffany said feeling her face redden with anger when she mentioned Jan's name. "Oh. Okay. Did she say why?" Clark asked as he stood in front of the mirror adjusting his necktie. "No. I didn't ask her. I guess she's going to pick out her wedding dress or something," Tiffany said unable to contain her anger. "Oh I doubt that. I think she's posing for photographs for the newspaper actually," Clark said glancing at Nicole's image in the mirror to see that she had stopped applying make up and was listening to him. "I guess Skeeter is posing with her," Tiffany said. "Skeeter?" Nicole said turning around to stare at the intercom. "I have to go, the other line is ringing," Tiffany said wishing she could have listened in on their conversation for Nicole's reaction. She hit the button for the other line. She quickly resigned herself to her job of listening to the accountant's voice going over some of the figures for the month. "Clark, what was Tiffany talking about?" Nicole asked walking towards her husband. "I was going to tell you tonight over dinner," Clark said fixing his tie as he glanced back and forth towards Nicole's face. "Tell me what Clark?" "That Jan's getting married. She and Skeeter are engaged. Isn't that wonderful?" he asked smiling as he glanced towards her. "Wonderful? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of." "Why?" he asked turning to face her. "Well because Jan's old, and Jan's not good looking. She's a snooty person. She's not his type at all." "You don't even know him that well," Clark said walking towards her and putting his arm around her. "Well we do know Jan. Jan's not right for him. When did she tell you this? Why haven't you told me?" Nicole said pushing him aside and pacing across the room to avoid his eyes. "I just found out today when she stopped by to tell poor Tiffany." "Poor Tiffany. Who cares about Tiffany? She's finished with him or he probably just wouldn't have her anymore. What difference does it make about Tiffany? I just don't understand how this could happen," she said walking towards the hallway to go downstairs. "Nicole, why are you so angry honey," Clark asked starting to follow her. "I have a right to know everything that goes on in this office," she said starting to shut the door. "I'm sorry honey. I was going to tell you. Where are you going?" he asked. "Downstairs. Just leave me alone would you Clark," she said slamming the bedroom door and racing down the stairs towards Tiffany's office. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Clark and Tiffany find out that Nicole has secretly seen Skeeter in the past? What will Nicole do?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom Copyright 1999-2002.