Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday September 19th 2002 "Nicole I'm glad you're here honey," Clark said as he watched his new bride open the door to their townhouse in Greenwich Village. "I've only been gone a few hours Clark," she said defensively as she closed the door and glanced towards Tiffany seated at her desk nearby. "I know honey. I was just talking to Tiffany about how we would handle the upcoming parties in Florida that your father has booked for me to do," he said referring to her mob boss father that was sending him much needed business. "Oh that," she said relieved that he hadn't somehow found out that she had just secretly spent the last few hours at Stanley's house on the Upper East Side. "I hope you can clear up something for Tiffany," he said angrily glancing towards Tiffany and watching her lower her eyes to avoid his gaze. "What? I really want to go up and take a shower and a nap," she said throwing her purse on the sofa. "Tiffany said that she and her sister Starlene were having coffee yesterday and saw you coming out of Skeeter's apartment," he said referring to Tiffany's estranged husband. "Oh, so Tiffany was at the restaurant with Starlene?" "Yes. I was inside the whole time. I didn't want you to see me, I knew you'd think I was spying on you," Tiffany said. "Were you spying on me or were you spying on your husband?" "What does it matter Nicole. We saw you come out of Skeeter's apartment building." "I told your sister then that I was looking for property on Bleecker Street for my Father to buy," Nicole said kicking off her high heel shoes and opening her purse to look for a cigarette. "You didn't tell me your Father wanted to buy property on Bleecker Street," Clark said. "He doesn't. I want him to. I thought that if I found something then I could get him to buy it. I didn't know Tiffany's husband lived in that building. What is this? A federal case or something?" she said lighting a cigarette and blowing out the match. "Nicole honey you shouldn't smoke." "I shouldn't do a lot of things Clark." "Yeah. But you know. If you're pregnant or something…" he said as he watched her take a long drag from the cigarette. "Please…" she said jumping up from the sofa and standing in front of the window. "Come on honey. Don't be upset. I'm just trying to get things straight. I have to leave tomorrow and I need to get business taken care of," he said walking towards her. "Look. I wasn't seeing your damn husband Tiffany," Nicole lied turning to glance at Tiffany. "Okay, I guess I was wrong then," Tiffany said totally unconvinced of her honesty. "See! She admits she was wrong," Nicole said pushing Clark's arm away as he tried to hug her. "She's just upset because I told her you'd be handling the business while I'm gone to Florida." "I think you should let her stay," Nicole said picking up her shoes from the floor and walking towards the stairs to go up to take a shower. "But you said you didn't think you could work with her," Clark said his face reddening as he realized he didn't have control of his wife, his business or his employee any longer. "I've changed my mind. I don't want to work around Jan. I'd rather die first," she said having come to the realization that having an affair with Jan's father Stanley and working with her would be too close for comfort. "Tiffany has admitted that she made a mistake." "But you said you could handle everything while I'm gone Nicki," he said watching her walk towards the stairs to go up. "I don't want to be burdened with the business. I've changed my mind," she said. "Really?" he said surprised at the sudden change of attitude. "Yeah. I don't feel like sitting at a desk all day," she said not wanting to lose the freedom she would enjoy while her husband was out of town. "But business has been slow. The money…" "Father said when I got married he'd pay for anything I need…a housekeeper or a nanny," she said smiling as she watched the hopeful expression on her husband's face and the shock in Tiffany's eyes. "Are you willing to work for me Tiffany?" CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.