The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's boss Clark just married Nicole. Nicole's father is a crime boss in Florida. Nicole's secretly seeing Tiffany's ex-husband Skeeter. Tiffany and her sister saw Nicole leaving Skeeter's place.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday September 12th 2002 "Are you going back into the office today Tiffany?" Starlene asked as the two sisters sat on the sofa in their apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. "No. Clark told me to take the afternoon off so he could work with Jan," Tiffany said glancing out of the window towards the park. "I bet Clark would like to know what we saw today." "Well, I told you Starlene, I'm not going to tell him," Tiffany said. "Well I could." "We only saw Nicole coming out of the same building that Skeeter lives in. We didn't see the two of them together." "You're the one that told me you overheard her voice when you called his apartment. I guarantee you she was with him today," Starlene said hitting the pillow of the sofa with her fist. "I know. It's really aggravating. There's just nothing I can do about it. I mean even if I caught them together I'd lose my job. Clark would be so mad at me." "You could call Skeeter though," Starlene said. "You're right," Tiffany said reaching for the phone. She quickly dialed the familiar number on Bleecker Street. "Yeah," Skeeter answered as he took another swallow of his beer and placed the can on the table beside his bed. "Skeeter why aren't you working today?" Tiffany asked. "It's my day off. What's up Baby? Aren't you working?" he asked in his slow southern accent. "No. I'm at home. Starlene and I went out to coffee this morning." "Good. Nice to hear that you and your sister are enjoying each other's company." "We had coffee across the street from your apartment," Tiffany said turning to glance towards Starlene as she raised her eyebrows. "Wish I'd known I'd have joined you," he said pulling the sheets up off the floor where he and Nicole had left them earlier today. "Skeeter let's get right to the point." "Sure Baby", he said knowing what was coming. He'd glanced out of the window and saw Starlene confronting Nicole as she hailed a cab. "I called your apartment to talk to you and I heard a woman's voice." "I told you earlier that was the TV, Tiffany." "I heard Nicole's voice and I heard her say Clark's name." "You've always had a great imagination Tiffany. Boy, if I'd only done about half the things you've accused me of," he said laughing as he picked up one of Nicole's earrings from the bed. "Starlene and I sat at the café across the street and we saw Nicole come out of your building." "What the hell are you doing? Are you accusing me of something?" "Yes." "Well you're wrong as usual. She's married now. Didn't I hear that she married your boss Clark?" "Yes. And he's ready to fire me because she hates me." "That sounds like your work related problem to me Tiffany." "It's because of you Skeeter. You've caused me a lot of trouble." "Why don't you get honest here. You're in trouble because you've been sleeping with that rich foreigner, Amir. You went after Clark's wealthy client, you got caught and now his wife is missing. Your lies are catching up with you Tiffany," his voice rising to match his anger. "Skeeter you've been lying to me all along. If I catch you with Nicole I'm going to be sure that Clark knows about it. Matter of fact I think I'm going to tell him exactly what I saw today." "You start talking and maybe the police will start investigating you and your rich lover. You think you're going to marry him now that his wife's dead, don't you Tiffany?" "Who said she's dead Skeeter?" CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Tiffany tell Clark? Why does Skeeter say Amir's wife is dead when reports say she's missing?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2002.

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