The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's in love with Amir. Amir's wife recently moved back to NYC after awaking from a long coma. Tiffany secretly met her lover on his yacht one night. His wife disappeared while they were together.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday August 12th 2002 "Is that you Tiffany?" Starlene called out when she heard the front door of the apartment shut. "Yeah, it's me," Tiffany said walking into the living room of the apartment the sisters shared overlooking Washington Square Park. "How was your day?" "Horrible and really long," Tiffany said taking a seat on the sofa beside Starlene. "Did you talk to Amir?" "No. I haven't talked to him since the night we were together on his yacht. Have you seen anything else on the news?" "No. I've been watching my soap operas today. I'll turn on the news now," Starlene said picking up the remote from the coffee table and turning the channel on the television. "I don't see anything," she said tuning in the local all news station as they talked about the rebuilding of lower Manhattan. "The policeman that stopped by the office the other day called again today," Tiffany said kicking off her high heel sandals and putting her feet up on the sofa. "What did he say?" "He was flirting with me Starlene," Tiffany said shaking her head and smiling. "Really? Why do you say that?" "He said it was nice meeting me the other day and then he said that once the case is solved he'd like to take me to dinner." "Is he good looking?" "Aren't they all?" "Yeah. So go out with him." "No, I couldn't do that," Tiffany said glancing at the TV and seeing a picture of Amir's wife on the screen. "Turn it up Starlene," she said pointing to the TV. Starlene grabbed the remote and quickly turned up the sound on the news. "Officer Davis can you tell us if the investigation is any closer to finding the missing wife of billionaire Amir Hada?" the reporter asked as they held a microphone to the policeman's handsome face. "That's him Starlene," Tiffany whispered pointing to the policeman. "Oh, he is good-looking", Starlene said scooting to the edge of the sofa to get a closer look at the police officer being interviewed on TV. "At this point do you suspect foul play?" the reporter asked. "We haven't ruled anything or anyone out at this point. The investigation is ongoing." "Do you have any leads as to what might have happened to Mrs. Hada?" "The cameras at the bank's ATM captured Mrs. Hada making a large withdrawal on the evening of her disappearance," the police officer said. "What does this lead the police to think?" "It wasn't really unusual for Mrs. Hada to withdraw large sums of money and go shopping in the evenings. We are asking the stores in the area to check their surveillance videos. We hope to find further evidence that would help us put together a time frame of the last time she was seen." "But it's been days now since she was last seen. Isn't it true that with every passing hour the chances of finding her alive grow more slim?" the reporter asked. "That's true. However we do know that Mr. Hada is a very wealthy man and there's the possibility that his fortune could play a role in the disappearance of his wife. After all Mrs. Hada had been suffering from a coma for years before her disappearance." "Are you saying that Mr. Hada is a suspect in this case?" "We aren't ruling out anyone at this point," the handsome police officer said. The phone on the coffee table rang and Starlene quickly picked it up. "Hello," she answered, her eyes fixed on the screen of the television. "Amir! Yes, Tiffany is here," she said turning to look at her sister. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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What happened to Amir's wife? Will they find her alive?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2002.

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