Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday May 2nd 2002 Tiffany took a seat at her desk and opened her appointment book to look over the work for the day. "Hi Tiffany," Nicole said walking down the stairs and towards Tiffany's desk. "Hi Nicole," Tiffany said only glancing up. She knew it would be hard to look the girl in the eye after opening Clark's office door and catching them in the act yesterday morning. "Did you pick up my business cards yesterday?" Nicole asked taking a seat in the chair in front of Tiffany's desk. "Yes, here they are," Tiffany said opening her desk drawer and taking out the small box of business cards. "Nicole Mascioni," she read out loud. "They did spell your name right I hope." "Oh yeah. The cards are fine until I change my name," Nicole said crossing her legs and allowing her short skirt to rise up on her thighs. "Change your name?" "Yeah. Like get married or something." "You're getting married?" "Maybe." "Who's the lucky guy?" "Guess?" "My husband Skeeter." "Wow what did you eat for breakfast, razor blades," Nicole said as the front door opened and Clark walked in. "Morning ladies," Clark said. "Mornin'," they both said in unison as Tiffany looked away in disgust. "Have you had breakfast yet?" Nicole asked Clark getting up from her chair and walking towards him. "No. I just came from the accountant's office," he said smiling as he watched her walk towards him. "Let's order something and eat in the office this morning," Nicole said starting up the stairs. "Okay. That's fine," he said watching her legs in the short skirt as she walked up the staircase towards his office. "Tiffany would you order us some croissants and coffee. Order something for yourself too if you want," he said. "Sure. Clark how did it go with Nicole's Father last night?" Tiffany asked unable to contain her curiosity. "Let's just say better than I ever expected," Clark said smiling. "Oh that's nice." "Hold my calls for an hour or so. Unless Mr. Mascioni calls," Clark said. "He approves of you and Nicole?" "Oh yeah. I was surprised what a nice guy he turned out to be," Clark said. "Really?" "Yeah, he seemed to like me a lot. I think what the newspaper published was all garbage," he said referring to the reports that Nicole's Father was a suspected Florida crime boss. "Good glad to hear that you hit it off with him," Tiffany said watching him go up the stairs towards his office. The phone on Tiffany's desk rang and she picked it up answering "Manhattan Party Planning." "Tiffany," Skeeter said. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.