The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany overheard her estranged husband talking to the secretary Nicole where she works. She heard them mention his relationship with Jan another co-worker of hers. Skeeter asked for a divorce.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday April 4th 2002 Tiffany glanced from the darkness in her bedroom towards the light on the floor under her bedroom door. She heard the music in the living room turn off and the sounds of her sister Starlene and her lover Stanley walking down the hallway towards the bedroom next door. She watched the light under her bedroom door as they walked passed her room and into Starlene's bedroom. She heard Starlene whispering and then she heard the sound of the door close. Tiffany sat up on the bed and turned on the light. She reached for the phone and quickly dialed the familiar number. "This is Skeeter, not in leave a message," the answering machine said. "Skeeter this is your wife. I've decided that I won't give you the divorce. Not until you're honest with me. I want to know about Jan. I want to know if you're seeing her or not. If you tell me the truth then I'll give you the divorce," she said getting ready to hang up. "Tiffany," Skeeter said. "You're home," she said surprised. "Yeah. I'm here." "I thought you would be with Nicole tonight," Tiffany said. "Tiffany. I do want the divorce," he said. "I know you do, but why Skeeter? Is it for Nicole or for Jan? You have to tell me the truth. I'm your wife and it's not fair to me that I can't know the truth." "I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have Tiffany," he said. "Then you do know that you've hurt me?" "Yeah Baby. I know I've hurt you." "How could you have cheated so many times Skeeter?" "I thought you didn't love me Tiffany," he lied. "Skeeter I always loved you." "I wish things could have worked out Tiffany." "I do too." "Why aren't you with Amir tonight Tiffany?" "His wife just came to New York," she said referring to her lover's wife that had just awoken from a long coma. "Yeah. I saw it on the news on TV." "I guess everyone in the world saw it on the news. I'm the biggest fool in town," Tiffany said wiping the tears from her cheeks as her voice cracked in pain. "You aren't a fool Tiffany. He is for letting you get away." "Get away! What about you Skeeter? You sure let me get away. You even want a divorce now." "I didn't think there was any hope for us Tiffany. I have to move forward now." "Oh. I guess that's what everyone's doing," Tiffany said as she heard the bed in the room next door rhythmically bumping into the wall. "You lonely Baby?" Skeeter asked hearing the sadness in her voice. "Yeah. I'm so depressed over everything Skeeter. At the same time I just want to kill you too," she said starting to cry. "Want me to come over there and we can talk?" "No! Oh how funny. You come over here now?" Tiffany asked reaching for a Kleenex on the table beside her bed. "I would you know?" "I can't believe you're alone tonight Skeeter. I thought you'd be with someone," she said as her sister's bedroom door opened and Starlene walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. "I was with someone earlier Tiffany." "Who Skeeter? Please just be honest with me. I can accept anything if you only tell me the truth." "No one you would know Baby," he lied. "Oh. Is she pretty?" Tiffany asked. "No Baby and it wasn't anything but a drink," he lied. "Really?" she asked. "Yeah. Tiffany do you still love me?" CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Could Tiffany possibly still love Skeeter after all of this? Will he come over?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2002.

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