Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday December 17th 2001 "Just take me to the village James," Jan said to her limo driver as she dialed her Father's East Side home number on her cell phone.
"Aren't you going to answer that Stanley?" Starlene asked pulling away from her older lover and sitting up on the side of the bed. "I guess so," he said reluctantly rolling over in his bed and picking up the phone from the nightstand. "Hello," he answered watching Starlene get out of the bed and walk towards the bathroom closing the door. "Father, what is Nicole's phone number?" "Jan I don't know," Stanley lied. "Well, what is her last name?" "I don't know that either," "You mean you hired that little bimbo and you don't even know her last name." "What are you getting at Jan?" he asked listening to the commode flush in the bathroom. "I want to call her and I need her number." "Why would you want to call her?" "Because, just give me her number," Jan said not wanting to tell her Father that she was worried that his secretary Nicole was with her secret lover Skeeter. "I told you I don't have her number," he said lowering his voice as he heard Starlene turn off the water in the bathroom. "Is she there with you now?" Jan asked noticing his whisper. "No," he said as the door to the bathroom opened. He watched Starlene's voluptuous body as she walked back towards the bed smiling at him. "Look I'm busy right now," he said as Starlene sat down on the bed beside him and took a sip of her wine, placing the glass back on the nightstand. "Look Father, I think its time you fire Nicole and hire someone more suitable." "I don't really want to get into that now," Stanley said as Starlene leaned against him pushing her bare bosom into his back as she climbed into the bed beside him. "Well, you never have time to talk about this at the office. You don't have time to talk to me on the phone. I'm your daughter," Jan said getting angrier every minute. "We'll talk about this later," Stanley said feeling aroused again by Starlene's soft touch on his back as he sat on the side of the bed. "Stanley honey, who is that?" Starlene asked. "Who was that Father?" Jan snapped suspiciously. Stanley held up his hand towards Starlene to motion for her to give him time. "I have to go now Jan," Stanley said into the phone. "Fine. I'll get rid of Nicole myself if you won't," Jan said closing her cell phone. "That was Jan?" Starlene asked in her slow southern accent. "Yes," Stanley said turning towards her and pushing her affectionately back onto the pillow beside him. "What did she want?" "Nicole's phone number. I don't know why she would want Nicole's number so badly," Stanley said pulling the sheet back to admire his young lover's body. "Are you sure that wasn't Nicole calling you Stanley?" Starlene said suspiciously. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.