Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday December 11th 2001 "Thanks for coming", Clark said as he closed the door of his townhouse as the last guest left the party. "That was a nice party," Tiffany said picking up the tray of shrimp and walking towards the kitchen. "Thanks. Did you have a nice time Nicole?" Clark asked as he watched Stanley and Amir's new secretary take a seat on the sofa. "Yeah. I'm sorry I was so late getting here. I must have missed a good time," Nicole said. "It was a really nice party," Jan said taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Where did Stanley go?" Nicole asked referring to Jan's Father and her boss. "He took Starlene home and then he and Amir were meeting. They have this big conference scheduled with the new mayor elect tomorrow morning," Clark said. "Oh, really…." Nicole said thoughtfully. "You didn't know that, and you're my Father's secretary?" Jan said taking a sip of her wine and placing the glass on the coffee table. "I don't keep up with the small details," Nicole said watching Tiffany walk back into the living room carrying a tray of coffee. "Does anyone else want coffee?" Tiffany asked pouring Clark a cup and handing it to him. "Yes, I'd love some," Nicole said kicking off her high heels and crossing her legs in the short cocktail dress. "It's been a long night and a lot of drinks," Nicole said. "You didn't get here until a few minutes ago Nicole," Jan said. "I started out at a bar before I came here tonight," Nicole said taking the cup of coffee that Tiffany handed her. "They serve you at bars?" Jan asked referring to her young age. "Maybe I didn't buy my drinks," Nicole said watching Tiffany take a seat in a nearby chair. "Oh you've met some other people besides my Father," Jan said taking a sip of her wine. "Yes I guess you could say that. I've met a neighbor," Nicole said. "Don't you live on Bleecker Street?" Clark asked taking a napkin and wiping a wet spot off of the coffee table. "Yes. And guess who I met Tiffany?" Nicole said smiling broadly. "Who?" Tiffany asked suspiciously. "Your ex husband, Skeeter," Nicole said. "Really?" Tiffany said almost dropping her coffee cup on the end table. "Yes I met him at the dry cleaners when I went in to pick up my dress to wear to the party tonight." "Oh," Tiffany said feeling her heart race. "So you met Skeeter. So what?" Jan snapped putting her wineglass on the coffee table. "Well one thing led to another and we ended up getting to know each other," Nicole said watching Tiffany. "I hope you don't mind. He did tell me that you two are divorced." "No we aren't divorced. We're separated," Tiffany said watching her hands shake as she picked up her coffee cup to take another sip. "Where did you have drinks?" Jan asked suspiciously. "At a bar. He lives near me you know?" Nicole said. "I thought you only had a short term lease on the Bleecker Street apartment and that you weren't sure you would be living there long," Jan said. "I have to let the owner know next week. I kinda like living on Bleecker Street. I might stay especially now that I've met a neighbor and made a close friend," Nicole said smiling as she crossed her legs allowing the short cocktail dress to rise up on her thighs. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.