The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Nicole got the modeling job for Playbody that Stanley promised Starlene. Nicole just met Tiffany's ex-husband Skeeter. Nicole made a pass at Tiffany's lover Amir. Can the sisters get rid of Nicole?
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday December 10th 2001 "Here's your dress Tiffany," Starlene said as she walked into the townhouse on MacDougal Alley where her sister worked. She quickly closed the door and handed her the cocktail dress for the party. "Thanks Starlene. Would you get the door if any of the guests get here early?" Tiffany asked taking the party dress from her sister and walking towards the nearby bathroom to change. "Sure. What is the big to-do about tonight anyway?" Starlene asked watching her sister step around the door into the bathroom and take off her work dress to change. "I don't know other than it's a guy opening a new jewelry store," Tiffany said stepping out of her skirt and fastening it onto a hanger. "He must have a lot of money for Clark to invite everyone over," Starlene said taking a seat on the sofa and picking up a travel magazine from the coffee table. "That would be my guess too. He must be one of the new clients that Clark managed to get." "Did you talk to Amir today?" "Yes. And guess what?" Tiffany said stepping out of the bathroom door in her underwear to watch her younger sister's face for a reaction. "What?" Starlene asked looking up intently. "He told me that Nicole did make a pass at him the other morning when I left them there together at his house," Tiffany said. "Really! Wow. I can't believe a man would actually be honest about that," Starlene said thinking she would have to rethink her evaluation of men. "I knew I could trust him," Tiffany said smiling and walking back into the bathroom and taking her cocktail dress out of the hanging bag. "What did she do?" "I don't know exactly what she did, we didn't have time to talk. But he did say she made a pass at him. He said that he told her he was involved with me. So hopefully she'll know better than to come on to him again," Tiffany said stepping into the short red cocktail dress as she walked out of the bathroom towards the living room where her sister was seated. "I wish Stanley would fire her," Starlene said throwing the magazine on the table as Tiffany walked towards the sofa where she was seated so that she could zip her dress. "Well did you ask him to?" Tiffany asked holding in her breath as Starlene zipped the tight dress. "Yeah. Of course I did. He just said she's a nice girl and he needs her to do the work" "Well, he and Amir do have a lot of work to do with all of the new building projects coming up downtown," Tiffany said pulling her long blonde hair up as Starlene finished zipping her dress. "Tiffany that little floozy can't even type," Starlene said. "Well what does she do all day then?" "Stanley's receptionist types all the letters and Nicole spends all of her time in the office with Stanley. I hate her," Starlene said. "I know you do." "I'm getting rid of her soon too." "I don't know," Tiffany said stepping into her high heels. "Yes I am, one way or the other. I've never hated anyone so much in my life," Starlene said as the front door opened. "Hi Jan," Tiffany said looking up to see Stanley's daughter walk in dressed in her full-length mink coat. "Well, maybe one other person," Starlene said under her breath looking down disgusted as Jan closed the door and stepped inside the living room. "What's the matter with you Starlene? Has Nicole been taking up too much of my Father's time these days?" Jan asked smiling as she took off her mink and threw it on the arm of the chair. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Nicole be at the party tonight? Will Starlene get rid of her?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.
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