The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's in love with Amir. Her sister Starlene is in love with Amir's associate Stanley. Stanley promised to help Starlene get a job modeling for Playbody; that was before he hired Nicole.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday November 14th 2001 "We've had readers write in and ask when we would do a spread with Tiffany after that picture the detective took," Playbody Magazine publisher, Charles Lewis said. He glanced towards his business associate Stanley Morgan watching his eyes light up at the suggestion that she pose for the magazine. "That doesn't seem fair," Starlene said digging her long nails into the arm of Stanley's jacket. She had pleaded with her older lover to "fix her up" so she could meet with the publisher; she knew she could get the job. "Starlene Daddy would kill either one of us if we pose for Playbody," Tiffany said in her southern accent giving her younger sister a cold stare. "Nicole, are you sure your Father won't mind?" Charles asked smiling as Stanley and Amir's new secretary walked towards them. The men's eyes immediately focused on the front of her low cut cocktail dress. The dress that the young beauty was wearing was cut all the way down to her tiny waist. With each movement of her hips the fabric moved just enough that a quick response would treat the men's eyes to a peep of the girls bare bosom. "No, I'm certain. I just called him in Florida," Nicole said taking Charles' arm as she watched his eyes feast on the front of the dress. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard… Nicole is posing for Playbody?" Clark asked as he joined the group. "Will you be one of the first to buy a copy?" Charles asked surprised by Clark's interest in the young woman. "Yeah", Clark said feeling his face turn red. "Well I hope you don't mind that I tried to influence your pretty secretary to pose for us too," Charles said walking towards Clark and patting him on the shoulder. "You want Tiffany to pose?" Clark asked glancing towards Tiffany and watching her eyes drop to avoid his gaze. "Yeah, we've gotten requests from all over the country from men wanting to see Amir's girlfriend. I've got to give the detective credit. That was a great photo he took of Amir and Tiffany," Charles said smiling and glancing towards Tiffany. He smiled remembering the picture of Tiffany and Amir involved in a risqué romantic moment on Amir's veranda. The picture had made the front of every tabloid in New York City and London. "I told you then it would make you a star Tiffany," Starlene said regrettably. "Stop it Starlene," Tiffany whispered. "Tiffany surely you're going to accept his offer?" Clark asked raising an eager eyebrow towards his secretary. "No of course not," Tiffany said. "Why?" Clark asked. "I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do something like that," Tiffany said hoping he would support her stand. "Would there be an interview with it?" Clark asked turning towards the publisher Charles. "I thought you said you read Playbody. All of our girls have write-ups. It's a gentlemen's intellectual magazine as well as entertainment," he said glancing towards Tiffany with a hopeful smile. "Tiffany I think it would be a good idea. You could tell them all about your job with me at Manhattan Party Planning and all of the fascinating affairs we organize and cater," Clark said excited about the prospects of increased business. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Tiffany accept this offer? Will Nicole pose for Playbody?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.
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