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The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
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Starring Tiffany Diamond.
Skeeter-her estranged husband
Clark Masters as her boss,
Jan and Amir - the clientele.
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Tiffany's young sister Starlene is seeing the wealthy Stanley Morgan.  Stanley just hired Nicole to be his secretary without telling Starlene.  Stanley's daughter Jan hates Starlene, Tiffany and Nicole.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday October 30th 2001
"I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by," Starlene said as she walked towards the table in Arqua Restaurant in her short leather skirt and tight low cut sweater.
"Starlene, how did you know we were here?" Clark asked glancing towards Tiffany angrily.
"I called Tiffany and I overheard you tell her you all were coming here for lunch," Starlene said in her thick southern accent. "Oh hi, Stanley honey," she said glancing towards her older lover and the young dark haired woman he was seated next to at the restaurant.
"Starlene meet the new girl, Nicole," Stanley said nodding nervously towards the young woman seated beside him.
"So you're Amir's new secretary," Starlene said as the waiter pulled up another chair at the table for her across from Stanley and Nicole.
"I'll be working for Stanley and Amir," Nicole said smiling at Starlene.
"Good then maybe Stanley will have more time to take me out if he's not so busy," Starlene said.
"Starlene is Tiffany's sister," Clark said trying to change the subject and save Stanley the embarrassment.
"Yes.  I'm Tiffany's sister from Lillard Georgia and I'm Stanley's girlfriend," Starlene said.
"Waiter, could you bring us another bottle of wine," Jan said.
"I thought you had to get back to the office early?" Stanley said referring to Jan's earlier excuses not to join them for the luncheon.
"Oh. I'm so glad I came now. This is turning into the most interesting luncheon I've ever attended," Jan said smiling broadly at her Father's discomfort.
"Jan, please," Stanley said frowning.
"Matter of fact… here…sit here Starlene," Jan said picking up her glass of wine and walking towards Starlene's chair.
"What are you doing?" Starlene asked.
"I think you should sit by Father.  I mean you are his lover aren't you?" Jan asked as Starlene got up out of her chair.
"Yes.  Okay, thank you," Starlene said getting up and taking a seat beside Stanley touching him affectionately on the arm as she took a seat beside him at the table.
"Nicole was just telling us about her background and she seems to have a large influential family," Jan said.
"Jan please," Stanley said as the waiter filled each glass with more wine.
"I think it's something to be very proud of Father.  Hiring a well connected woman like Nicole," Jan said referring to Nicole saying her family owned casinos in several large cities.
Tiffany and Clark glanced at each other nervously as Starlene leaned around Stanley to look at Nicole.
"Are you married Nicole?" Starlene asked.
"A boyfriend?" Starlene asked.
"No… she and her boyfriend just broke up and she moved here from Florida to get away from her family. Father interviewed her extensively the other day. Didn't you Father?"  Jan said smiling. She would never forget the look on her Father's face when she opened his office door and caught Nicole and him on his sofa together.
"That's enough Jan," Stanley snapped.
"Father has added a new dimension to his interviewing process too," Jan said glancing towards Nicole.
"What's that?" Starlene asked noticing how nervous Nicole seemed.
"Father's interviewing like a movie director these days.  He's using his sofa as a casting couch," Jan said taking a sip of her wine with great satisfaction.
"What does that mean?" Starlene asked.
"It means that Nicole got over her break up with her boyfriend, found a new job and a new boyfriend the other day on Father's sofa," Jan said wiping the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

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  What is Starlene going to do about Nicole? Is it over with Starlene and Stanley?
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