The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's picture is in newspaper with her secret lover the mayoral candidate for NYC, Amir. Her estranged husband Skeeter is having a secret romance with Amir's assistant Jan.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday October 9th 2001 "What's the matter Tiffany?" Starlene asked. She watched her sister throw her purse on the sofa before taking a seat in their apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. "It's been a horrible day." "Hard day at work or you're still upset over the newspaper article?" Starlene asked glancing towards the newspaper on the coffee table in front of Tiffany. Tiffany and the married mayoral candidate Amir were pictured on the front page of the tabloid as they left his Upper East Side mansion the other morning. "That seems to be least of my problems now." "Wow, what happened?" Starlene said taking a seat beside her sister on the sofa. "Skeeter stopped by the office today," she said referring to her estranged husband. "How's Skeeter?" "Oh he seems to be just fine." "I haven't seen him in a while." "Guess who else just happened to stop by?" "Who?" "Jan," she said referring to her enemy and her lover Amir's assistant. "Really. What did she want?" "I don't know, but she left with Skeeter.' "You mean they left at the same time." "I mean she offered him a ride in her limo and he took it." "So." "Well, I think something is going on between the two of them Starlene," Tiffany said frowning. "That doesn't mean anything. I mean he works in the same building that she works." "I could just tell Starlene. Something is going on. Skeeter was acting strangely when she came into the office." "Oh, come on Tiffany. Don't you think you're imagining this," Starlene said uncomfortably. Skeeter had confided in her months ago that he was secretly seeing Jan. "Would you tell me if you knew anything about the two of them?" "Sure," Starlene lied, picking up the newspaper and holding it up in front of her face as she looked at Tiffany's picture on the front page. "Starlene are you sure?" "Yes. I'm sure that I'm sure. Gee Tiffany. You really are getting paranoid," Starlene said tossing the newspaper back onto the coffee table. "Okay. It just makes me so mad that she invited him to ride in her car." "Why?" "Because she hates me Starlene. She did that to make me uncomfortable and he took her up on it because he's angry over my picture being in the paper with Amir." "Have you talked to Amir today?" "No. That's another thing. I don't know how this is affecting his candidacy, as if there wasn't enough going on already," she said shaking her head in despair over recent events. "Let's see… maybe something will be on the news tonight," Starlene said picking up the remote and turning on the TV. She touched the buttons several times until she found the channel with the local news. "Starlene do you promise you would tell me if you knew anything?" "Yes, Tiffany. I'm your sister, why would I lie?" she asked. "It's not that I think you would lie. It's just that I feel there's something going on between Jan and Skeeter. They're both such snakes." "Look Tiffany…there's Amir," Starlene said hitting the volume button as Amir was being interviewed in front of City Hall. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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What will Amir say on TV? Will he become the mayor of NYC?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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