The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Amir's running for mayor of NYC. His sick wife came out of a coma long enough to see the newspaper picture of Amir with his secret lover Tiffany. Amir's Mother-in-law took his wife home to their island.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday September 28th 2001 "Mr. Hada, you need anything else before I go home?" the housekeeper asked in her foreign accent as she placed the after dinner drinks on the coffee table in front of Amir and Tiffany. "No. Thank you Maria," Amir said. He watched her quickly take off her apron and pick up her purse before walking towards the front door of his Upper East Side mansion at Sutton Place overlooking the East River. Tiffany took a sip of her Cognac and watched the heavyset housekeeper put on her jacket. Maria opened the front door walked outside and closed it locking it behind her with her key. "Now we be alone," Amir said in his broken English pulling Tiffany closer to him on the sofa. "I'm so sorry about your wife Amir." "Maybe this be for best. She make no improvement," he said in his broken English referring to the fact that his wife had awoken from a long coma and never remembered their marriage. "Do you think she'll wake up again?" "Doctors say there no way to ever know what happen in these things." "Are you going to your island to see her?" "No. Her Mother Tiso very angry over this. I wait until I hear if she wake again." "I'm sorry if this is my fault, which I feel like it is," Tiffany said taking another sip of her Cognac. "No…no," he said rubbing her shoulder as he admired her long blonde hair. "Do you think she went back into the coma because she saw the picture of us in the newspaper?" Tiffany asked referring to the front-page picture of Amir and her kissing on his veranda. A detective had taken the photo unbeknownst to them as they had secretly embraced on his veranda. They had worried that the media attention could possibly cost him the New York City mayoral race. Today the situation had worsened when Amir had left the newspaper near his wife's bed and she had seen the picture before lapsing back into a coma. "No doctors say this might happen at anytime," Amir said watching Tiffany place her glass of Cognac on the coffee table. "So you aren't angry with me?" "How could I be angry with you? This be my problem, nothing that you do cause this," he said pulling her towards him and kissing her quickly on the lips. "I never want to lose you Amir," she said as she fell back onto the plush white sofa as they embraced. "Never my love," he whispered as he passionately kissed her. Maria stood outside the front of the house on the sidewalk and glanced at her watch. She wondered if she should go back inside and see if her husband had called to say he would be late picking her up. He had probably overslept and forgotten her again. She walked to the door and put the key in the lock. She quietly opened the front door and started to walk inside when she saw Amir and Tiffany on the sofa. They were fully involved in their intimacy and never heard the door open over the sounds of their urgent passion and the music playing on the CD. Maria quietly closed the door and locked it. She ran towards the curb to the phone booth. She reached into her handbag looking for change. She frantically rummaged through her purse and finally found a quarter and put it in the phone dialing the now familiar number. "Martin here," the man answered in a heavy Brooklyn accent. "Yes. This is Maria, Mr. Hada's housekeeper" she said breathlessly. "Yes Maria. What's new?" "You tell me that if I see Mr. Hada with Miss Tiffany together... Like together, you know…?" "You mean being intimate?" he asked quickly. "Yes that," she said breathlessly into the phone. "Yeah, we pay a lot more if we get a picture of them fully involved." "They be, how you say?" "Are they involved like… intimately." "Yes." "Where are they?" "On his sofa." "Is the curtain open?" She turned her head quickly and looked back towards the mansion. "Yes," she said excitedly as she heard the sounds of her husband's old car pull up to the curb beside her on Sutton Place. CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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What will this detective do now? Will this be the end of Amir's campaign for mayor of NYC?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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