Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday September 18th 2001 "So tell me about your business Skeeter," Stanley said taking a sip of his coffee as he sat beside Skeeter's young estranged sister-in-law Starlene at the restaurant. "It's going okay. I'd like to start my own business one-day though. I'm sick of bringing in the money for the other guy," Skeeter said taking the last bite of his pancakes. "You must be a good salesman," Stanley said. "I do okay," Skeeter said wiping his mouth briskly with the paper napkin and tossing it on the table beside him. "Skeeter's always been the top salesman. Even when he worked at Ladi-Tex in Lillard Georgia he was the top salesman," Starlene said. "Why don't you open your own store then?" Stanley asked. "Money. I'm looking for investors now," Skeeter said. "I didn't know you were that serious," Starlene said surprised. "I don't see you that often Starlene. Yeah. I'm seriously considering making the move. If I see the right place," Skeeter said winking at Starlene as they watched Stanley take his credit card from his pocket. "I'll get this," Skeeter said reaching for the check. "No. I've got it," Stanley said motioning for the waitress. "This has been nice, thanks," Skeeter said still surprised the older man would ask him to go out to breakfast. Starlene slid out of the booth and put on her sweater as she watched Stanley pay the waitress. She and Skeeter started walking towards the front door together. "I didn't know you wanted to go into business," she whispered. "Why not, maybe the old man would want to front me some money if he thinks my ideas are good," Skeeter said watching Starlene pull the sweater around her ample bosom. "I wonder if he suspects you're seeing Jan?" Starlene asked smiling broadly referring to Stanley's older wealthy daughter. "How would he know?" "Maybe she told him." "She'd never tell," he whispered. "Why?" "Cause she knows he'd cut off her money if she was seeing someone like me," Skeeter said knowingly. "He should pay somebody to marry her off," Starlene said hiding her smile with her hand. "It was nice seeing you again Skeeter," Stanley said folding the receipt and walking up behind them as they stood waiting near the front door of the restaurant. "You too Mr. Morgan," Skeeter said. "By the way Skeeter have you talked to Elizabeth Ford lately?" Stanley asked referring to his wealthy ex-lover that Skeeter had met at a party that they both had attended. "No" Skeeter lied surprised by the question. He had secretly spent many intimate nights with the wealthy woman in her apartment overlooking Fifth Avenue. "She and I had lunch the other day. She told me that she had seen you a few times," Stanley said. "You didn't tell me that Stanley," Starlene said frowning jealous that her lover had been with his ex. "I saw her at a Park Avenue charity luncheon honey," Stanley said putting his arm around his suspicious young lover and pulling her towards him as they walked towards the front door of the restaurant to leave. "Oh yeah. Well I've run into to her a few times," Skeeter said. "Run into her... Is that a new expression for doing "it" these days?" Stanley asked slapping Skeeter on the back as they walked out of the front door of the restaurant. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.