The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Amir's running for mayor of NYC. His wife has been in a coma for years, just beginning to awaken after he brought her to NY for treatments. The press published photos of Amir kissing Tiffany.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday September 11th 2001 Amir sat in the chair beside the bed reading the newspaper and sipping his morning espresso in his Upper East Side mansion. "Would you like breakfast?" his housekeeper asked from the doorway of his wife's upstairs bedroom. "No. Thank you. I leave for office soon," he said in his broken English smiling as he peered over the newspaper. He watched his housekeeper as she walked towards the stairs to leave and go downstairs to finish her morning chores. "Hummm,…" Amir's dark haired wife softly moaned from the bed beside him. "Yes Malena," he said quickly turning his attention towards his wife that had only recently partially awakened from a coma after many years. "Would you like coffee and breakfast?" he asked. She only opened her eyes slightly watching him distrustfully. "You remember more today, no?" he asked wondering how long this process would take. "We marry years ago. You have coma and sleep." She looked around the room and back into the eyes of her husband. "You remember your Mother Tiso come here last night?", he asked. He watched her eyes and noticed she seemed to remember that her Mother had just flown in a few days ago. "I bring you here to America for care. You have more family on our island." He watched as she blinked her eyes. "Amir excuse me…" the housekeeper said walking back up the stairs and peering into the bedroom. "Yes." "You have a phone call." "I call back." "They said it's urgent." "Who call?" he asked. "Tiffany." "I take this call," he said watching as his housekeeper turned and walked back down the stairs. "I be back," Amir said bending over the bed and kissing his wife on the cheek dropping the newspaper on the bed beside her. Amir quickly walked across the hallway to his upstairs office and picked up the phone. "Tiffany! My love," he said into the phone. "Amir. I hope it was okay that I called you at home?" Tiffany asked hesitantly. "Yes," he said his heart beating faster at the sound of her familiar voice. "I can't stand this Amir," she said. "So good to hear your voice," he said walking towards the door to his office. He glanced across the hallway at his wife before quietly closing the door. Malena glanced on the bed beside her at the newspaper and saw the picture of a young blonde woman in a short low cut dress. She read the caption under the photo "Amir thought his wife would never wake up"... "I didn't know he was married," Tiffany Diamond said of her secret lover Amir Hada. Malena glanced at the phone beside her bed. Could it be this man that was supposed to be her husband was talking with the same Tiffany that she saw on the front of the newspaper. She stretched her hand toward the phone. She heard the sound of Amir's voice behind the door across the hallway. Gently she lifted the phone and nervously brought it to her ear to listen. "This has to be hard Amir. After so many years, does she remember you at all?" Tiffany asked. "Nothing. It is as stranger in my home." "Do the doctors think she will recover?" "No way to know this." "Do you still love me Amir?" "Forever my love." CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Amir's wife recover? Will Amir know that she heard him on the phone?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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