The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Jan's having an affair with Tiffany's husband Skeeter. Skeeter's having another romance with Jan's Father's ex-girlfriend Elizabeth. Tiffany's in love with the married mayoral candidate, Amir.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday August 20th 2001 Jan put the receipt for her clothing donations from the Upper East Side Charity Bazaar into her purse and started towards the door to leave. "Jan! Jan darling!" she heard a woman's voice and the sound of high heels behind her. She turned to see her Father Stanley's former lover rushing towards her. "Elizabeth what are you doing here?" Jan asked wishing she could have avoided running into the wealthy socialite. Jan suspected that her secret lover Skeeter had spent an evening with Elizabeth recently, but she couldn't prove it. "I dropped off a few things darling. How are you?" Elizabeth asked pretending to be concerned. "Great, just great," Jan lied. "I thought perhaps your job was in jeopardy over the recent scandal," Elizabeth said laughing slightly. "You mean the Amir photo?" Jan asked as her jaw clenched thinking about the picture of her boss on the front page of the newspaper. A detective had taken the picture of Amir on his veranda with Skeeter's ex-wife Tiffany. The secret lovers were kissing. Tiffany's sundress was unbuttoned and had fallen around her waist. The newspaper had put a blurry spot over her voluptuous bosom, but the photo on the web was the original. The media had been working overtime as they feasted on the sensation. "Yes. Has Amir decided to drop out of the race for mayor?" "No. Of course not." "I heard his wife came out of her dreadful coma?" Elizabeth said referring to the television interviews of Amir at the hospital with his wife that recently awoke from a coma after many years." "I haven't talked to him about his wife," Jan said. "What about that woman…. Tiffany Diamond, do you know her?" "Yes I know her." "Who is she? I only saw the picture of her on one of those tabloids but of course I would never buy such trash." "Trash… that could be used to describe her." "Ooh. I see you don't care for this woman," Elizabeth said smiling. "Well, you can see for yourself what she is. She bared herself to the world didn't she?" "Well, I don't think she knew someone was going to take her photo. It's surprising to me that Amir allowed this to happen literally in his own backyard. You would think he would have been more careful since he's running for mayor. He does have a bedroom," Elizabeth said laughing. She couldn't help but think of her first intimate experience with Skeeter that occurred on her balcony overlooking Fifth Avenue. She had to hope her celebrity neighbor wasn't on the next door balcony since they had become overwhelmed with desire. "I suppose Tiffany couldn't wait that long," Jan said disgusted. "Oh you mean this woman has been the aggressor?" "Yes. She works for Manhattan Party Planning." "Hmm. I see what you're saying…." Elizabeth said touching her chin with her hand. "Yes, it's unfortunate for Amir. This tramp has been pursuing him since she moved here from Georgia." "Georgia. She's from Georgia too?" "Yes." "Is she related to Skeeter?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes. That's Skeeter's ex-wife. You didn't know?" "I planned to ask him the next time I saw him." "I've saved you the trouble, haven't I?" "Skeeter isn't exactly trouble darling. I can see his wife is though," Elizabeth said laughing. "When is the last time you saw Skeeter, Elizabeth?" "He came over the day after the party," Elizabeth said smiling. She remembered the day she and Skeeter had spent in her bedroom after the sun on the balcony and their passion had become too hot for the outdoors. "I have an idea! Let's do lunch." CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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