The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
A detective caught Tiffany kissing her secret lover, the mayoral candidate Amir. She's worried she'll lose her job over this. Her sister Starlene loves publicity and wants to be a model for Playbody.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday August 13th 2001 Tiffany walked into the living room of her apartment overlooking Washington Square Park carrying the sandwich she had made for her dinner on a napkin. She sat down on the sofa and picked up the remote for the television from the coffee table. "We'll be right back with reporter Tony Burrows from the London Link," the reporter for Go Gossip said as the station went to commercial break for the Verizon phone company. Tiffany took a bite of her tomato sandwich. She had heard on the radio today that Madonna had been spotted in Central Park. She hoped Go Gossip would show pictures of Madonna with her children. "We're back with Tony Burrows of the London Link. Tony, why do you think the viewers in London are so interested in the scandal involving Tiffany Diamond and the mayoral candidate Amir Hada?" the reporter asked. Tiffany swallowed her bite of tomato sandwich whole. "I think perhaps because the scandal involves two people of very different social status," Tony Burrows said in his British accent. "You mean because the foreigner Amir Hada is very wealthy and his secret lover Tiffany Diamond is an unknown woman from a small southern Georgia town?" the reporter for Go Gossip asked. "Yes, correct. We have scandals in London of course, but usually it's the upper crust involved with one another." "So you came here to interview Tiffany Diamond for the London Link?" "Yes. I tried to get a word with Miss Diamond earlier this evening but she was not available for interview. However I did speak with her younger sister Starlene," Tony said. "Let's get right to it," the reporter at Go Gossip said as the tape started to roll. Tiffany dropped her tomato sandwich on the napkin and hit the button to turn up the volume. She saw her sister Starlene standing in front of their apartment building only a few minutes ago. Starlene was wearing a very low cut red sundress and her voluptuous young bosom was pushed up revealing her suntanned cleavage. "Starlene. We understand that your sister Tiffany is upset over the photo the newspaper published showing her with the mayoral candidate Amir Hada." Tony Burrows said. "Yes, she's very upset. She loves Amir and doesn't want to hurt his chances of becoming mayor," Starlene said in her thick southern accent. "Do you also feel this will ruin Mr. Hada's chance for obtaining office?" "No. His wife's been in a coma for years. What was he supposed to do? He waited for years and then he met my sister. Why shouldn't he be allowed to fall in love? Can't anyone see how this might happen?" Starlene asked in her thick southern accent. "So you're saying this has been going on for some time?" "Yes. Since she moved to New York and went to work for Manhattan Party Planning. She met him almost as soon as she moved here from Georgia." "So she met him through her employment." "Yeah. He came into the office and it was love at first sight." "What does your sister Tiffany think about Mr. Hada's wife?" "She's never met her," Starlene said. "I see. Do you know Mr. Hada?" "Of course. I've been to his mansion on the Upper East Side many times." "Have you met his wife?" "No. She was in the hospital over there on his island until recently." "We understand that you are seeing Mr. Hada's assistant's Father?" "You mean Stanley Morgan." "Yes. Is Mr. Morgan's daughter Jan upset that her Father is involved with a woman of less years than herself?" "Yes. She's jealous of me and she's jealous of Tiffany." "Does that bother you?" "No. I don't care. Stanley and I are in love. The only thing that bothers me is that this has caused Tiffany problems with her job because Jan books the parties for Amir and Stanley." "You mean Miss Diamond might lose her job over this?" "That's right," Starlene said as the limo driver walked towards her taking her by the arm away from the reporter. They walked towards the limo where Stanley waited behind the tinted glass windows watching the small screen on the television in his limo. Starlene waved goodbye and blew kisses at the reporter and TV cameras. "We'll be back after this word from our sponsor," the reporter at Go Gossip said. Tiffany threw the remote to the TV on the table and ran towards the window. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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What will Stanley say about this? Will Tiffany get fired? Will Amir be the next NYC mayor?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.
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