The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany thinks she might be fired from her job over today's newspaper featuring a picture of her with the mayoral candidate Amir. Amir recently brought his comatose wife to NYC for treatments.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday August 3rd 2001 "Tiffany try not to take it so hard," Starlene said watching her distraught older sister wipe the tears from her cheeks as they sat in the living room of her apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. "This is the worse thing that's ever happened to me Starlene," Tiffany said picking up the tabloid newspaper from the coffee table taking another look at her front page picture with her and her lover Amir. The photo had been taken by a private detective as she and Amir had become intimate on his veranda of his Upper East Side mansion. The clever detective had snapped the photo after Amir had unbuttoned the front of Tiffany's sundress and the straps had fallen down around her waist. The newspaper had put a large blurry spot over her toplessness with the headlines "Amir's Race for Mayor Really Takes Off and Heats Up." "Oh God, he's ruined," Tiffany cried. "I think you're taking this all the wrong way. Even if he loses, you win," Starlene said envious of her sister's instant fame. "How can I win if I lose the man I love? Tell me. Tell me how Starlene," Tiffany cried. "You'll be the most famous woman in New York." "That won't pay the rent." "Did Clark fire you?" "He told me to call before I come in tomorrow. I'm sure that means I'm fired. And Jan was there enjoying the whole thing," Tiffany said feeling her face start to redden with shame. "I hope Jan gets hers one day," Starlene said remembering how mean Jan had been to her just because she was dating her wealthy older Father. "Have you talked to Stanley?" Tiffany asked referring to Jan's wealthy Father. "No. I could call him now and see what he says about this," Starlene offered. "No. Turn that up Starlene," Tiffany said noticing that the evening news was coming on the screen of the television. "And now for the latest in the race for mayor. A couple of the local tabloids today featured a front page photo of the mayoral candidate Amir Hada in a compromising position with a relatively unknown secretary Tiffany Diamond," the announcer said as a copy of the scandalous photo with the blurry spot was put on the screen. "The photo was taken on the veranda of Mr. Hada's Upper East Side Mansion last night at the same time that his wife is being treated in NYU Hospital. It's been reported that Mr. Hada's wife only came out of her coma a few days ago and didn't recognize her husband. It's unclear at this time how much this has hurt Mr. Hada's chances of becoming mayor. We'll be back in a few minutes to find out what New Yorkers' on the street think of yet another political scandal," the announcer said as they went on to talk about a shooting in the Bronx. "That's too bad they called you an unknown secretary," Starlene said. "It's too bad they knew my name." "Here…they're back," Starlene said turning up the volume. "We're here on the Upper West Side interviewing voters. Miss, do you think this will ruin Amir's chances of becoming mayor?" the announcer asked a well dressed thirty something woman on Columbus Avenue standing in front of Starbucks Coffee. "I would still vote for him." "Why?" "Because he's so good looking and smart. I mean his wife's just a vegetable. If Amir asked me out... I'd sure go," the woman said quickly turning and walking up Columbus Avenue. "What about you Sir, would you still vote for Amir considering the scandalous headlines in today's tabloids?" the announcer asked a dark haired young man in a baseball cap as he walked past the camera. "Sure I vote for him if I be citizen. Every mans do same thing. One mayor no more better than next," the man said. He quickly picked up his pace as he rushed towards a truck at the curb where a construction crew was waiting for him. The crew started blowing the horn and one of the men was making obscene gestures towards the camera. "There you have it. We'll have to wait on the official polls later this evening to see how the majority feels about this latest scandal," the announcer said as they went to a commercial break. CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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Is Amir's chances of becoming mayor ruined? Will Tiffany get fired?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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