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The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
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Starring Tiffany Diamond.
Skeeter-her estranged husband
Clark Masters as her boss,
Jan and Amir - the clientele.
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Jan's been secretly seeing Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter. Jan was with Skeeter when he met Elizabeth.  Jan called Elizabeth's apartment and thought she heard Skeeter's voice in the background.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday July 10th 2001
Jan stepped out of the elevator on the penthouse floor in the Fifth Avenue high-rise overlooking Central Park.  She walked down the marble hallway towards the door to the apartment of Elizabeth Ford's penthouse.  She slowed her pace slightly giving herself time to gain composure.  She knew she had overheard Skeeter's voice in the background when she called Elizabeth's apartment a few minutes ago. She could tell the wealthy socialite was infatuated with Skeeter when the three of them had come back to the penthouse after the party at Gracie Mansion.  A woman like Elizabeth didn't hand a man like Skeeter a business card for business purposes, she thought knowingly.  A woman like Elizabeth had business cards and had never worked a day in her life. She reached the door of Elizabeth's penthouse and knocked on the door.  She didn't hear any footsteps coming to the door, but she did hear music.  She quickly rang the doorbell three times impatiently.
"Someone's at the door," Elizabeth said.
"They'll go away," Skeeter said in his southern accent as his hand hit the pillow on her bed and it fell to the floor.
"I better at least go see who it is Skeeter," she moaned not really wanting to leave his embrace.
"They'll come back later," he said not wanting his most precious moment interrupted.
The doorbell sounded again loudly six times.
"No one ever comes to my door unannounced," Elizabeth said as she pushed Skeeter's shoulders forward to free herself from his embrace.
"Man…" he said annoyed that his mood was lost, he rolled over on the bed and watched as she quickly got out of the bed and threw on a robe.
"May as well invite them in now," he said annoyed with the interruption.
"We've been at it all morning Darling," she said turning and smiling at him.
"I'm just gettin' started Baby," he said admiring the outline of her body in the white silk robe as she walked towards the door of her bedroom.
"I'll be right back," she said pulling the door to the bedroom shut behind her as she walked towards the living room. The doorbell sounded repeatedly three more times.
She thought about calling out but decided to look through the peephole first.  She opened the peephole and saw the back of a woman's head.  Her heart started to race. She watched as the distorted image of a woman turned around in the hallway and walked back towards her front door.  It was Jan Morgan.  She watched as Jan came to her door and hit it hard with her fist.  Then Jan turned and walked out of the sight of the peephole towards the elevator in the hallway.  Elizabeth heard the elevator door open in the distance of the hallway and then she heard the door close. 
Elizabeth gently released the cover on the peep hole on her front door and  turned walking back down the hallway towards her bedroom.
"Who was it?" Skeeter called out from her bed.
"You're not going to believe this," Elizabeth whispered as she opened her bedroom door.
"It was Jan Morgan," Elizabeth said white faced from the experience.
"Yeah.  Are you two engaged or something?"
"Are you seriously involved with her?"
"No," he lied.
"Why would she stop by here then?"
"She's made passes at me a few times," Skeeter confessed.
"Have you ever been intimate with her?"
"Does that make any difference between me and you Baby?" Skeeter said throwing the sheet off of his body as he got out of the bed and stood watching her.
"I don't suppose so," she said admiring his masculine body.
"I like to finish what I start then," he said watching her walk towards him.
"Do you think she'll come back?" Elizabeth asked as he untied her silk robe and it fell to the floor.
Jan stood in the hallway wondering whether she should hit the button to recall the elevator or go back to Elizabeth's door.  She just knew in her heart that Skeeter was in that apartment with Elizabeth Ford.

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  Will Jan go back and ring the doorbell again?  Will she catch Skeeter?
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