The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's secret lover Amir's wife just came out of a coma. Tiffany was afraid she would never get to see him again since he's running for mayor. He called and they're sneaking to his mansion tonight.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday July 3rd 2001 Tiffany glanced in the mirror one last time. She looked at the reflection of her cleavage in the low cut dress she had borrowed from her sister Starlene. She turned from side to side looking at her long legs in the tight short skirt. It wasn't the kind of dress she was used to wearing, but this was a special night. Amir was coming by to pick her up in his limo and take her to his mansion. The media had been swarming around him like flies after he announced his candidacy for mayor. Since his announcement and the arrival of his comatose wife to this country they hadn't been alone in a long time. She would be sure that he never forgot tonight, she thought as she pinned her long blonde hair up off of her shoulders leaving only a few seductive strands around her face. She sprayed perfume, grabbed her purse from the chair next to the bedroom door and walked towards the living room. "Starlene, see what you think," she called out to her younger sister. She glanced around the living room and didn't see any signs of Starlene. She walked towards Starlene's bedroom and noticed that her sister had thrown clothes all over her bed as if she had dressed in a hurry and left. Strange, she thought. Starlene hadn't told her of any plans to go out this evening when they talked earlier. Perhaps her sister had gotten a phone call while she was in the shower and had decided to go out. Tiffany walked towards the window to look down on Washington Square Park when the intercom sounded at the front door. She quickly walked to the intercom and picked it up. "Miss Diamond, Mr. Hada is waiting for you in his car," the doorman said. "I'll be right there," Tiffany said hanging up the intercom. She quickly picked up her purse and walked out of her front door closing and locking it behind her. She hit the button for the elevator. As she waited for the elevator she looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the hallway. She felt her pulse quicken at the sight of the tight short low cut black dress she had borrowed from Starlene. Perhaps it was too much, she thought. Maybe she looked more like a lady of the evening than a woman in love. She wondered if perhaps she should unlock the door and go back inside and change her dress. She glanced in the mirror again and thought the dress was so low cut that if she moved the wrong way she would bare all in front of the limo driver. This was her young sister's style not hers. Borrowing the dress was a mistake she thought. She reached in her purse to take out the key for the front door when the elevator door opened. She quickly realized she couldn't keep Amir waiting downstairs in the limo. She would have to go with her first instinct and hope he liked the risqué dress on her. She stepped on the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. The doors closed and the elevator started to descend. The doors quickly opened and she walked out into the lobby. Hearing the sound of her high heels on the floor the doormen turned to look. Tiffany thought she saw restrained shock on their faces when they saw her dress. She swallowed hard and told herself she only had to get from here into Amir's waiting car and her exhibition would be over. The doorman opened the door and she stepped out onto the sidewalk across from Washington Square Park. "Look! That's Tiffany isn't it!" a man exclaimed as Tiffany glanced up into the television cameras. "Starlene, isn't that your sister Tiffany?" the reporter with 'Go Gossip TV' asked. "Yeah that's Tiffany," Starlene said glancing over her shoulder as she watched Tiffany shyly walk towards her in the low cut dress. "Starlene, what's going on here?" Tiffany asked nervously as she walked next to her young sister. "They're getting ready to interview me," Starlene said brushing her long hair over her shoulders as she adjusted the top of her strapless summer dress. "Who?" Tiffany whispered as the cameramen stepped closer to overhear the sisters. "'Go Gossip', they want to talk to me about my relationship with Stanley," Starlene said referring to her much older wealthy lover that had endorsed Amir as the candidate for mayor. "Do you think this shows enough cleavage?" she asked glancing towards Tiffany hoping she wouldn't be upstaged. "My God Starlene, that's Amir's car right there," Tiffany whispered. Starlene turned to look in the direction of Amir's car as the reporter and the cameras started to rush towards the curb and the long white limo with dark windows. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will this make the evening news and ruin Amir? Will this cost Tiffany her job?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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