New York City Pictures Daily New York City Tours 6/27/2001 : Casabella Restaurant, Mulberry Street Little Italy, Restaurants
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New York City Pictures : Casabella Restaurant, Little Italy, Mulberry St. : Pictures of NYC
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Daily Photos for 6/27/2001 : Casabella Restaurant, Mulberry Street Little Italy, Restaurants
"Little Italy, Ti amo"

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On a nice day sitting outside on the sidewalk is great fun!  You'll enjoy watching people go by as you dine on delicious fresh pasta.  Top left picture you see Casabella Restaurant. Top right picture you see how narrow the streets are in Little Italy.  We strongly suggest you leave the car at home and take a cab.  Parking is really tight and you might miss a meal trying to find a space.


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On a nice day sitting outside on the sidewalk is great fun!  You'll enjoy watching people go by as you dine on delicious fresh pasta.  Top left picture you see Casabella Restaurant.

Top right picture you see how narrow the streets are in Little Italy.  We strongly suggest you leave the car at home and take a cab.  Parking is really tight and you might miss a meal trying to find a space.

Center right picture you see a Chinese store near Mulberry Street.  Around most every corner you'll find the mix of Italian and Chinese since Chinatown is so close the two neighborhoods are intermingled.

Bottom right picture you see another look at Mulberry which is lined with restaurants. Click here for the next page on today's photo tour of Little Italy.
Center right picture you see a Chinese store near Mulberry Street.  Around most every corner you'll find the mix of Italian and Chinese since Chinatown is so close the two neighborhoods are intermingled.

The Hottest Soap opera on the web is NYC's
"As the Mouse Moves"
Bottom right picture you see another look at Mulberry which is lined with restaurants.


The Hottest Soap opera on the web is NYC's
"As the Mouse Moves"

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