The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Jan's secretly seeing Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter. Jan's Father Stanley is seeing Tiffany's 19 year old sister Starlene. Tiffany's secretly seeing Amir, Jan's boss.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday June 4th 2001 Stanley took a long sip of vodka as he sat on the sofa in his daughter Jan's candlelit mansion on the Upper East Side. "Father this isn't a good time for me to have this discussion with you," Jan said glancing down the hallway and seeing her secret lover Skeeter standing in her bedroom door watching and listening. "I'll keep it short then. I just want to get a few things cleared up before the party tomorrow night at Gracie Mansion," he said pouring himself another glass of vodka as Jan turned on the lamp beside the sofa. "Go ahead Father. I really am expecting a friend very soon though," she said glancing towards Skeeter frowning and motioning for him to close the door. She watched as he stepped back into her bedroom and left the door open far enough so that he could hear the conversation. "It's about Amir's party. I'm endorsing Amir for a run for mayor but I want to keep my options open," Stanley said taking a cigar from his pocket and lighting it. "I know you well enough to know this has some other meaning," Jan said. "Amir's foreign so I hired a foreign party planner from Connecticut to handle the affair." "What difference does that make?" "The party's at Gracie Mansion and the mayor isn't going to like Amir using a foreign party planner rather than a New York business." "Then why did you do that? I thought you were endorsing Amir and wanted him to become mayor?" "I have doubts that Amir will be mayor. The other candidates are looking strong and he's a foreigner. I might have over extended myself," Stanley said. "So are you going to drop Amir?" Jan asked glancing towards her bedroom door hoping that Skeeter couldn't hear this part of their conversation. "We'll soon see. Amir can afford to invest a lot more money in his campaign, than the other candidates. I don't want to upset the investments in the long run. I'll know when to make the change, if I do." Stanley said tapping his cigar on the ashtray and taking a long drink of his vodka. "I see," Jan said knowingly. "Well, I better go. By the way did you get the hundred thousand that I sent you?" "Yes Father," Jan said glancing nervously towards her bedroom door as her Father got up from her sofa and started towards the front door. "By the way I'll probably get Clark to handle more of my personal parties to keep him in business," Stanley said opening the front door. "Why do you care whether Clark stays in business?" Jan asked. "His business supports other people Jan." "You mean Tiffany?" "Yes," Stanley said taking a big puff on his cigar as he stepped outside of the front door. "She and her sister are ruining his business. Before they came here everything was going so smoothly." "You mean you were the only woman at his parties," Stanley said knowing his daughter was jealous. "My Father wasn't making a fool of himself on television either." "I'll handle my affairs Jan." "I don't see why you can't just drop Clark's business all together. I could find you another party planner anytime." "That's not going to happen now." "Why?" "Tiffany likes her job," Stanley said. Skeeter pushed the bedroom door open and quickly stepped out into the hallway. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Skeeter come out and confront Stanley?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.
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