The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Jan's furious that her Father Stanley is seeing Tiffany's 19 year old sister Starlene. Jan is having an affair with Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter. Tiffany is secretly seeing Jan's boss, Amir Hada.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday May 25th 2001 Skeeter took a long sip of his beer. After emptying the can, he crushed it in one hand then placed it on the coffee table in front of him. He picked up the business card of the young woman he had met last night at the nightclub downstairs on Bleecker Street. He was too tired to go to work today after they had stayed up all night in his bedroom getting to know each other. He thought about calling her at work as he'd promised but decided she was probably just another one night stand. He placed the card on the coffee table and picked up the remote to the television and hit the "On" button. He flipped through the channels quickly tuning into the local New York show "Go Gossip." He watched as the reporters showed clips of fashion models at Rockefeller Center being interviewed. "Now back to you Sue in the studio," the reporter said as the screen went to the sky blue background of the television studio in New York City. "From high fashion to high society," the reporter said as a clip of Starlene getting into the back of the limo with Stanley Morgan came up on the screen. "We're all waiting to see if the wealthy Stanley Morgan brings his 'Georgia Lolita' to the party at Gracie Mansion next week," the reporter said. The screen went from Times Square to a picture of the Mayor walking into Gracie Mansion surrounded by bodyguards. "It should be quite the social event. The Mayor is throwing one of his celebrity parties for his friend Amir Hada. You know Amir's wife was brought from his island home to this country recently. Actually she is at NYU being treated for the coma that has robbed her of life for the last few years." The screen went to a tape of Amir following the stretcher as his wife was being brought into the hospital entrance at NYU. "A man like Amir Hada certainly won't be attending his party alone. We wonder what lucky woman will be with him at this big bash. Stay tuned for updates on 'The Amir' sightings. Now let's catch everyone up on the latest in the upstate news," the reporter said. Skeeter hit the "Off" button on the remote and threw it on the table. He wondered if his estranged wife Tiffany would be the woman that Amir brought to the party. He thought about Tiffany's sister Starlene dating the wealthy Stanley Morgan. He picked up the telephone and dialed the apartment that Starlene shared with her sister Tiffany. "Hello," Starlene answered in her southern accent. "Starlene it's Skeeter. Are you busy?" he asked. "Well, actually I'm on my way out of the door. What's going on?" "Are you going to that party that Stanley Morgan is giving for Amir at Gracie Mansion?" "I didn't know anything about it. How do you know?" she asked. "Just saw it on TV." "Then I'll ask Stanley about it and ask him take me. Oh God, how exciting! Gracie Mansion! I hope he'll take me!" "Let me know, okay?" "Sure. Got to run," she said hanging up the phone. Skeeter quickly hit speed dial on the phone calling Jan's mansion on the Upper East Side. "Hello," Jan answered after a few rings. "Hay Baby. You see that thing on TV about your old man giving Amir Hada a party?" "I heard about the party." "You going?" "I'm supposed to. I'm so angry over Father seeing that little tramp Starlene. I'd like to show my Father what it feels like." "Did you talk to him about her?" "I tried, we didn't get anything resolved," she said still angry that her Father refused to quit seeing Skeeter's nineteen-year-old ex sister-in-law. "Well are you goin' to the party at Gracie Mansion or not?" "I don't know Skeeter." "I talked to Starlene and she's definitely going." "Father might just have to cut off the money. I don't know how much more I can take," Jan snapped starting to pace the Oriental rug in her Upper East Side Mansion. "Want me to come over and calm you down Baby?" he asked knowing that his absence in the last week had probably bothered her. "Yeah. Why don't you come over and spend the night," she said as she stopped pacing. The memories of his touch filled her with desire and weakened her angry body. "I could do that. You think you could invite me to go with you to your Daddy's party at Gracie Mansion?" he asked in his thick southern accent as he picked up his apartment keys from the table beside the young woman's business card. CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Jan take Skeeter to the party at Gracie Mansion?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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