Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday April 26th 2001 "Tiffany I'm sorry I've been so busy today. I haven't had a minute to talk to you about your dinner last night with Amir," Clark said placing his briefcase on the floor and taking a seat in the chair beside her desk. "Oh. It was nice. Thank you for letting me leave early," she said. "Of course. That was so nice of Amir to come by and say the things he did," Clark said remembering Amir's kind words about his friendship with Tiffany and the unflattering remarks he had made about the media and people that linked him to Tiffany romantically. It had been especially meaningful since Amir's assistant Jan had been drinking too much and was in the middle of attacking Tiffany and accusing her of having an intimate relationship with her boss Amir. "Jan's just a little spoiled, " he added. "A little," Tiffany said laughing slightly at the understatement. "Well, I'm glad you had fun." "Yeah. I guess you could see how Jan behaves and how upsetting it is for me," Tiffany said thinking this was the time to make her point. "Try not to worry about it. I talked to her today and she seems okay. Matter of fact, she said that Amir gave her a raise," he said shaking his head in disbelief that Amir would give her a raise after such bad behavior the other day. "I'm leaving for the evening. When you've finished your work if you want to go home early again, feel free," Clark said picking up his briefcase and starting towards the door. "How nice of you Clark," she said surprised that he would allow her to go home early two days in a row. "Amir's not the only nice guy," he said smiling. He closed the door and walked along the cobblestones in front of his townhouse feeling sorry for Tiffany. He almost regretted having laid her off a few months ago over his suspicions of her relationship with Amir. If it hadn't been for Jan's urging him, he never would have made that hasty decision. He couldn't help but overhear Jan's conversation yesterday afternoon after Tiffany left the office. Jan had called Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter and was very angry. Tiffany had been telling him for some time that she thought Jan was trying to cause her problems. He hoped Tiffany would never have to find out that Jan might be having an affair with Skeeter. He wondered if his suspicions of Jan and Skeeter were right. The phone rang on Tiffany's desk and she quickly picked it up. "Manhattan Party Planning," she answered. "Tiffany Hi, it's me," her sister Starlene said in her thick southern accent. "Starlene did you talk to Skeeter yet?" "Yeah," she said remembering her argument with her older sister last night. "Is he going to give you the pictures?" Tiffany asked. She had insisted that Starlene make Skeeter give her the pictures that the photographer had taken of her younger sister. She didn't trust her estranged husband to help Starlene get a modeling job in the lingerie business. "He gave them to me today," Starlene lied wondering why he hadn't given them to her yet. "Good. You keep them. I want to see them when I get home," Tiffany said wanting to find out what kind of photographer Skeeter had hired to photograph her younger sister. "I tore them up. I didn't like them," Starlene lied. By the time Tiffany sees the risqué pictures she would be famous and she could easily afford her own apartment, she thought. "Why?" "Because I didn't look good." "Oh and you had the only copies?" "Yeah." "Okay. I'm glad that's over. Good." "What time are you coming home today Tiffany?" "Probably not until late. I think I'll go over to Amir's after work," she said planning to call her lover and see if he was busy this afternoon. "Okay. See you later tonight", Starlene said touching the button on the receiver of the telephone in Tiffany's apartment. She quickly dialed the familiar phone number as she listened to Jan's Father answer the phone. "Stanley all clear, she's not coming home until late," Starlene said into the phone. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.