The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's sister Starlene wants to model for Playbody. Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter arranged a photographer for a risqué men's magazine. Skeeter wants to catch Tiffany with her lover Amir.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday April 23rd 2001 The limo made its way through the traffic in Times Square as Amir kissed Tiffany passionately in the back of the long white car. "Amir. The driver might see us," Tiffany said glancing towards the front of the car as it stopped abruptly at a traffic light on Broadway. "You come home with me," Amir said in his broken English. "I can't. I have to talk to Starlene tonight," she said. "You call her," he said as he pulled her closer. "No. I can't Amir. I have to see what kind of job Skeeter might be helping her get," she said remembering her younger sister's excited telephone call at the restaurant tonight while she dined with Amir. "Maybe he help her for good job, no?" Amir said wishing she would reconsider and stay the evening with him at his Upper East Side mansion. "I don't know what kind of job he might help her get. She said it was a modeling job." "Modeling good job." "I'm worried Amir. Starlene has been so impressed with Laney and the modeling she did for Playbody, I'm afraid she'll do something like that." "This she never do," Amir said unconvinced himself. "Oh yes she might. She said Skeeter was helping her get a job modeling lingerie." "This lingerie he sell, nice, no?" "Yes he sells nice lingerie and the catalogs are tasteful, but she said this company is based on 42nd Street." "Starlene only model elegant lingerie." "No. I don't think so Amir. Since she moved to New York, she's convinced she can become a big star. I'm afraid of what she might do to get what she wants. She's very naïve," Tiffany said shaking her head. "Surely this Skeeter never get her how you say…risqué modeling position?" "I don't know. The company he works for is nice, but he and Starlene have always been close friends. If she wants it bad enough he probably has a lot of connections in the lingerie business." "The company he work for have nice store in spa," Amir said remembering the elegant lingerie he had seen in the store windows of his spa many times. "Have you ever seen Skeeter in the store?" she asked. "Never. Never I met your husband." "I'm glad. I worried about that when he got the job, but your building is large and you do have great security." "I use private entrance. I rarely see employee of stores," Amir said glancing towards the front of the car and noticing that the limo was getting close to Tiffany's apartment across from Washington Square Park.
"Hello," Starlene said answering the telephone at Tiffany's apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. "Starlene. Is Tiffany there? I wanted to talk to her about helping you with the modeling job." Skeeter said into his cell phone as the cab drove towards Washington Square Park. "I'm glad you called Skeeter. She's worried about this. Do you think you could help smooth this over? I talked to her and she wants to see the pictures. I didn't tell her that I don't have a copy. She doesn't want me going to the interview or anything. I don't want her seeing the pictures Skeeter. Do you think you could tell her this is an okay job?" Starlene asked knowing that her brother-in-law wouldn't want Tiffany to see the risqué pictures either. "I'll take care of it. Where is she?" "She's on the way here now. I just talked to her." "I'll take care of it." Skeeter said hanging up his cell phone in the back seat of the speeding cab. "Take a turn there and pull up behind that limo," Skeeter told the cab driver as they headed towards Washington Square Park. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Skeeter catch Tiffany and Amir getting out of the limo? Will Starlene get the modeling job?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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