The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Tiffany's having a secret affair with Amir. Jan is Amir's assistant and she wants Tiffany fired. Jan is having an affair with Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter. TV cameras caught Tiffany with Amir.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday April 13th 2001 Tiffany opened the door to Clark's townhouse near Washington Square Park. She stepped inside the living room surprised to see her boss sitting on the sofa with Jan Morgan. "Oh, hi. When did you get back from lunch?" Tiffany asked thinking he had an appointment uptown this afternoon. "My appointment called and canceled so Jan and I decided to have some wine," Clark said watching Tiffany walk by them on her way towards her desk. "Were you at lunch Tiffany?" Jan asked. "Yes. I called the service and told them to pick up the phones. I was starving and couldn't wait any longer," she said taking a seat at her desk and opening her appointment book hoping to appear busy so she wouldn't have to talk to them. She quickly glanced up to see if Jan had the VCR tape with her that she had shown Clark earlier this morning. She knew that the two of them had been to lunch to discuss the fact that she had been seen on TV with Amir in Little Italy. She had overheard Clark's angry words that she had lied to him again after he had rehired her. "Has Starlene found a job yet?" Jan asked. "No. Not yet. She hasn't been looking as hard as I would like for her too either," Tiffany said surprised that Jan would care about her sister's employment status. "What kind of jobs has she looked for?" Clark asked. "Acting, modeling, things that she doesn't really have any experience in," Tiffany said. "What about nursing?" Jan asked looking at Clark and smiling. "Nursing?" Tiffany asked completely surprised. "Yeah, is she interested in nursing?" Jan asked. Amir had phoned Clark a few minutes ago and pleaded with him not to confront Tiffany. He said that he had persuaded Tiffany to have dinner and talk with him about the possibility of her unemployed younger sister Starlene staying with his sick wife when she came home from the hospital. "No. Starlene's never been interested in nursing." "I told you Clark," Jan said looking quickly at Clark. "Why?" Tiffany asked. "Nothing Tiffany," Clark said frowning slightly at Jan. "Ask her," Jan said. "No. Let's just drop it." Clark said annoyed. "Tiffany is Starlene planning to stay with Amir's wife when he brings her to the United States for treatment?" Jan asked. "No. Why on earth would you think that?" "See. See. I told you he didn't talk to her about that," Jan said. "What?" Tiffany asked. "Did Amir mention to you that he might be interested in Starlene staying with his wife?" Clark asked. "No." Tiffany said puzzled. "Then why did you go to dinner with Amir? Why would he call here and say that he had talked to you about this?" Jan asked. "He said that?" Tiffany asked. "Yes he did. Why would he do that Tiffany?" Clark asked. "I don't know." "You're having an affair with him aren't you Tiffany?" Jan snapped as Clark touched her on the arm trying to calm her down. "No." Tiffany said, her heart racing with fear. "Jan. Please. Amir asked me not to say anything. You really shouldn't have," Clark said. "I don't care what Amir asked you to do. She's lying again. She's been lying all along," Jan said loudly as her words slurred from the effects of the wine. She struggled to come to her feet and walked towards Tiffany's desk. "He's your boss Jan. Surely you don't want to do anything to cause him problems. He has enough on his mind now with his sick wife coming here," Clark said quickly rising and starting to walk towards Jan as she stood looking down at Tiffany who was seated at her desk. "Amir and I are equals. He wouldn't have the building for his spa if it weren't for my Father. He won't have a chance running for political office if not for my Father and me. Amir needs me. I won't stand for him undermining me like this with that little lying…" she stopped quickly and turned to face the front door as it opened and Amir stepped into the living room. CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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What will Amir say to Jan? Will Clark fire Tiffany? Is the truth coming out about Tiffany and Amir?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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