New York Pictures : Central Park, The Dakota Building, West Side : Pictures of NYC New York pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York Hotels, New York City streets, New York City attractions, New York City museums, New York Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on www.readio.com. New York Travel on a budget for free! We will show you our NYC street photo tours of restaurants, people & New York landmarks.
NY Pictures On NYC Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 4/12/2001 : Pictures of Central Park, The Dakota Building, Horse "Mansions, Legends and Central Park"
It looks like a scene from yesteryear. It's so romantic and pretty to walk along the sidewalks and watch the horse and carriages stroll by on the Upper West Side of New York.
Top left picture you see a horse and carriage at 72nd Street and Central Park West.
Top right picture you see the Dakota which was home to rock and roll legend John Lennon (of the Beatles in case you are too young to know). In the center of the picture you see a crowd of tourists looking down on the memorial in Strawberry Fields. A picture of the John Lennon memorial is on the third page of today's tour.
Center right picture you see a large home on Central Park West.
Bottom right picture you see stores that line West 72nd Street. Even the stores where delis inhabit the street level are old and beautiful. Click here for the next page on today's tour of the Upper West Side.
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