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Daily New York City Pictures, New York Hotels, NY Hotels, NYC photo tours, New York Broadway Theater Times Square Photos, Galleries, Arts Museums, New York City Clubs, NYC Restaurants, NY Photography Magazine, Soap Opera, NYC images, New York City Photos

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NYC Photography - Member New York Press Club - National Coalition for the Homeless
April 9, 2001 "New York City on your Desktop Daily" Volume IV, Magazine Issue 71

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Readio New York City offers daily updated international entertainment, New York City photos, a daily soap opera, Manhattan photo galleries and NYC Chef recipes.  Current reviews, listings, NY attractions, & NYC tour guides to New York City hotels NY Broadway Plays New York Art galleries, theaters, museums, landmarks, restaurants, clubs & NY Minute shopping.
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New York hotels, New York Hotels, New York pictures, Soap Opera, NYC photos, City Guide, NYC Broadway Plays, Theatre Listings, New York City photos, Pictures of New York City, New York Pictures, New York photography, Reviews, Clubs, NY photo tours, guide
New York City Photos, pictures of New York City, New York City Hotels, Broadway Theater, New York Theater, New York City photos, NYC museums, Plays in NY, Daily Fiction, Art Galleries, Concertos, Opera, Photography Galleries, New York City Clubs Reviews, New York Pictures, New York City Hotels, Broadway Theater, New York Theater, New York City photos, NYC museums, Plays in NY, Daily Fiction, Art Galleries, Concertos, Opera, Photography Galleries, New York City Clubs Reviews, NYC Parks.





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Daily New York City Pictures, Photo Tours, Soap Opera, Quote, Riddle & Recipe   Portions of Readio revenue donated to the National Coalition for the Homeless

Today's famous daily quote is on Happiness.
"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world."  - Robert Louis Stevenson.

Monday's Trivia Question: Food:   What is called "The Breakfast of Champions?"
A. Cheerios  B. Quaker Oatmeal  C. Wheaties 

Weekend Trivia Question & Answer: What did the famous New Yorker, Walter Winchell do for a living?  A. Artist  B. Reporter  C. Politician Answer:  Reporter

Weekend Winners: Keith Kelder of Florida, Joe Field of Nevada, Alice Leinheardt of New York New York, Frank Depanfilis of Massachusetts, Pat Karch of New Jersey, Debi Penn of North Dakota, Pat Davie of Oklahoma, Tom Scoleri of New Jersey, Jim Maran of Georgia, Paula Rinklin of New York New York, DeBorah Davis of Connecticut, Thelma Swain of Georgia, Katharine Bailey of Minnesota, Sherri Lafargue of Louisiana, Carol Michaelsen of Florida, Delia Harden of Maryland, Bruce Lipkin of Illinois, Donald Sturm of Virginia, Joyce Glassman of Iowa, Brenda Morillo of West Virginia, Steve Burstein of California, Tom Rubel of Kansas, Ann Sumandani of Washington DC, Nina Broderick of Connecticut, Lesley Pines of Texas, Mark Zeidman of Florida, Elizabeth Poore of Maine, Denise Fordham of Pennsylvania, Carl Rudolph of Vermont, Scott Bryant of Missouri, Lee Doebele of New York New York, Arthur Meyerson of Wisconsin, Brad Erdag of California, John Moody of Tennessee, Edward Tollard of New York New York, Nicole Handler of North Carolina, Marion Robles of New Mexico, Eugene Colyer of Delaware, Lou Myricks of New York New York, Marta French of Illinois, Kevin Morim of New York New York, Valerie Stevenson of South Carolina, Tom Whalen of Texas, Bill Rovin of Michigan, Myrna Williamson of Ohio, Charlie Owens of Arkansas, Sue Givens of Alabama

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