New York City Pictures : The Plaza Hotel, Empire State Building : Pictures of NYC New York City pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York Hotels, New York streets, New York City attractions, New York museums, New York City Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on www.readio.com. New York Travel on a budget for free! We will show you our NYC street photo tours of restaurants, people & New York landmarks.
Daily NYC Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Photos for 4/05/2001 - Pictures of The Plaza Hotel, Empire State Building, East Side "Images of the East Side"
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It's the crowning glory in the skyline of New York, The Plaza Hotel. This is one of the most elegant hotels in New York offering views of New York City and Central Park. Picture of the Plaza Hotel top left.
Top right picture you see the extreme East Side of town on First Avenue.
Center right picture you see the Empire State Building as seen from Park Avenue in the 30's. If you're new to the city you can use the giant skyscrapers as landmarks in the sky so you'll know which direction to walk. The Empire State Building is midtown on Fifth Avenue.
Bottom right picture you see Grand Army Plaza which is across the street from the Plaza Hotel. In the far distance you see the West Side of NYC and Columbus Circle. Click here for the next page on today's tour.

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