The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
Skeeter is having an affair with the wealthy socialite Jan. His other woman, Cynthia is a rock singer. Cynthia's family owns a big law firm and they planned to pressure Jan and her Father for money.
Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday April 2nd 2001 Skeeter climbed the dirty stairway of his building to his apartment on Bleecker Street. He put the key in the door and opened it to the sound of rock and roll music playing in his living room. "Hay Baby," he said smiling as he noticed the surprise on Cynthia's face seeing him come home early from work. "Skeeter I didn't expect you home for another two hours," she said walking towards the stereo and turning down the music. "What you doin' here?" he asked throwing his jacket over the chair and closing the door. "I just came by to pick up a few things," she said putting a pair of her jeans into the backpack on the table beside her. "Where you going?" he asked noticing the closet door opened and her clothes on the bed in his bedroom. "I'm going on the road. Remember I told you on the phone. My agent got me a contract and I'm cutting a CD…. I'm on my way!" she said smiling. "So that means you aren't stayin' here anymore?" he asked walking towards the kitchen to get a beer. "Well, I'll be gone. So I thought I'd get my stuff out of your way," she said walking into the bedroom and grabbing her clothes from the bed to be folded and packed. "So you let me down on the plans to sue Jan's old man and you split. Just like that." He said referring to her reneging on the plan to have her family's law firm sue Jan's father. "I'm sorry Skeeter. My agent likes the fact that I'm single… that will really go a long way. I can't afford to bring any bad relationships along," she said folding a sequined jacket and putting it in her backpack. "So that's what I am now. A bad relationship?" he asked taking a seat on his futon and sipping from his can of beer. "No. You know what I mean Skeeter. I can't be involved in a lawsuit or anything like that. You know kinda like the Puff Daddy thing when Jennifer had to distance herself," she said smiling and fastening the heavy backpack shut. "So that's it with us?" he said putting his can on the coffee table a little too hard. "I don't think so Skeeter. I mean I still want to see you. It's just that we have to keep it quiet now," she said walking to the futon and taking a seat beside him. "What the hell is going on. I'm satisfying Jan at nights but she can't be seen in the light of day with me, cause of her old man's money and her role as socialite. You sign some contract to do a little record deal and you can't be seen with me either." "Look Skeeter I'm really sorry about this. I think you could have sucked some money out of her old man and they deserve it. They really do. Maybe you could call another attorney or something. I just can't have my family's law firm involved with any of this. I could lose my contract." "Oh yeah. But I didn't get my contract today with the lingerie company because of this." "What do you mean?" she asked. "I was supposed to go off the new employee probation period today but my boss Bob said he had to wait and see. I know it's because of what Jan said to him. She told him not to give me my contract because I took you to the China Room Club with me and she saw us." "I'm sorry Skeeter. She'll get over it. She'll get lonely over there in that mansion without you at night," she said smiling at his handsome face. "What about you? You going to get lonesome without me?" "I hope you'll let me come see you once in a while," she said smiling as she unbuttoned his shirt. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Skeeter lose his job, Jan and Cynthia?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2001.

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