Monday January 1st 2001 "This delicious… what food?" Amir asked in his broken English. He took another bite of his peas from the New Year's dinner Tiffany had prepared for them at the apartment overlooking Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. "Black-eyed peas," she said smiling as she offered the serving dish to her younger sister Starlene. "You never heard of black-eyed peas! You have to eat them on New Year's Day cause they bring good luck for the New Year," Starlene said in her southern accent taking an extra portion. "I hope I have good luck this year and find a job," Tiffany said. "Me too," Starlene said. "Did you meet any interesting people at the party last night Starlene?" Tiffany asked wondering why Starlene was so late coming in this morning. She had worried a little about her younger sister going to a party on the Upper East Side with Laney. She felt a little guilty but she and Amir had enjoyed their privacy. She had missed her time alone with Amir since her younger sister Starlene had come to stay with her in New York. "Yeah, lots. I met a guy that is a Broadway director. I met another guy that is a model. Boy was he good looking! I hoped he would ask me out but he didn't. He was with another guy that's a model too. They were always together and I didn't get to talk to him that much," Starlene said. "I guess you met Stanley Morgan?" Tiffany asked worried that the older wealthy Stanley would try to seduce her younger sister the way he had tried with her. "Not really. He was busy with some congressmen and senators all night. I only saw him from a distance when Laney pointed him out." "Laney show you around. No?" Amir asked referring to Stanley Morgan's young Playbody model girlfriend. "Yeah. She said she'd help me find a job too," Starlene said. "Laney help you find a job? Laney's never worked except for the modeling," Tiffany said. "Dah…that's work Tiffany. She makes a lot of money modeling," Starlene said. "Yeah, but look at the kind of modeling she does Starlene. It's because of those implants. You have to find a real job Starlene," Tiffany said. "Who's to say I couldn't do some modeling…I mean look at these," Starlene said arching her shoulders and looking down at her well endowed chest. "Starlene! You're kidding?" Tiffany asked laughing as she glanced towards Amir and noticed he was smiling at her younger sister. "Why not?" Starlene asked. "You're in my care now. You won't be doing something like that. I picked up the Village Paper the other day. I noticed a couple of jobs at the theaters for ticket sales clerks. Since you worked at the Lillard Cinema, they might hire you. Are you still going to walk by the Waverly Theater and see if they need anyone?" Tiffany asked. "Yeah, Yeah. I guess so. Look Tiffany I'm nineteen years old now. I'm not in your care. You have to get off of that big sister thing with me," Starlene said. "It's because I love you. You know Daddy would kill me if you modeled for Playbody or something like that. As long as you live with me, you'll be working and you'll be wearin' your clothes," Tiffany said in her southern accent. "I thought movin' to New York would get me some freedom. I didn't know you'd be as bad as Daddy to live with," Starlene said. "Perhaps I find position at spa for you," Amir said in his broken English enjoying the sisterly exchange. "That would be great to work around all those movie stars!" Starlene said pushing her blonde hair from her eyes. "What about you Tiffany why don't you let Amir help you get a job at the spa?" "Because I still have some hope that Clark might hire me back and I don't want the press connecting Amir and me." Tiffany said getting up to walk to the kitchen and refill the bowl of black-eyed peas. She didn't want to say the other reason she couldn't work at Amir's spa. She quickly thought about the fact that her estranged husband Skeeter worked in one of the lingerie stores in the retail area of the large spa complex. Starlene watched her older sister walk towards the kitchen. Her heart raced with fear when she noticed that after coming home late last night she had left her purse, gloves and the business cards she had collected at the party on the buffet near the kitchen door. She quickly thought of the business card of Laney's photographer. She held her breath when she glanced over and saw the card reading "Star Photography"…"Playbody Magazine Photographer", on top of her purse in clear view. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.