Of all the Soap Operas, online E-books, writing, fiction, series stories and web soaps "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC-based lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl as she becomes part of the New York City experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of a New York City photo e-zine that includes the arts, daily photo tours and guide to NYC.
Starring Tiffany Diamond. Skeeter-her estranged husband Clark Masters as her boss, Jan and Amir - the clientele. Soap Opera Star Review
Tiffany stopped by Skeeter's office in Amir's building trying to catch him with Jan, Amir's assistant. She ran into her lover Amir. Skeeter is on his way back to the building with Jan.
Wednesday December 20th 2000 "Then you know that Skeeter's working in the building?" she asked as Amir pulled her closer to him. "Yes. I hear rumor of this. These secretaries think I can not hear their how you say…gossip," he said in his broken English smiling slightly as they embraced by the window in his office overlooking the Hudson River. "It doesn't bother you that he works in your building?" "I have no control over who work in building. If he find job here that is good for him, no? Is better to always no where your enemy be." "I'm glad it doesn't bother you," she said relieved. "You come to building today to visit him?" "Well…. Yes. I guess you could say that. I wanted to see what kind of office he worked in," she said embarrassed to tell him that she was actually spying on her estranged husband. "You go back with this man?" he said hoping surely that she wouldn't become involved with her ex-husband. Skeeter had caused enough trouble. He had hired his bodyguard to protect her from Skeeter only to have that bodyguard shot. The police blamed a homeless man but Abdul, his bodyguard, was never convinced that Skeeter didn't have something to do with the shooting. "I've spent some time with him." "Why?" "Because I was so hurt when I found out that you were married and hadn't told me. I felt that I needed to know if we could make our marriage work. Once and for all". "It work?" "No," she said laughing slightly. "Good. Then you are satisfied." "I'm still married to him. And now I know you're married too." "Then this is how you say…equal," he said smiling. "Not exactly the idea of a relationship that I wanted to find myself in". "What is your idea of relationship?" "I guess I want to be married Amir. I married Skeeter at a very young age and I like being married. I just want to be married to the right man." "Then you look for this Mr. Right." "You're really starting to sound American", she laughed. "I am American," he said proud of his recent citizenship. "Right. Oh yeah. Are you still planning to run for office one day?" she asked remembering that was his major motive in obtaining his citizenship. "When I have first lady beside me. I maybe run for office," he said pulling her close. "You really want us together Amir?" "More than anything, this I tell you." The buzzer on his desk sounded and he kissed her quickly on the lips before walking to his desk to answer the call. Tiffany watched him walk towards the desk wondering how she had ever managed to resist him even for one day. "Yes," he said into the phone. "Tell her I call later." He said hanging up the phone. "I better go," Tiffany said. "Why?" "You have work to do. Besides I'm afraid I'll run into Jan," she said glancing at her watch and realizing it was well past lunch time and Jan would surely be coming back to her office. The last thing she wanted today was to run into his assistant. The woman, she was convinced, was seeing her estranged husband and had gotten her fired. "My secretary just speak to her," Amir said watching the expression on his lover's face change quickly. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Tiffany run into Jan? Will she see Jan with Skeeter?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2000.

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