Of all the arts, online, writing, fiction, series stories and internet soap operas "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC-based lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl as she becomes part of the New York City experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of a New York City photo e-zine that includes the arts, daily photo tours and a complete guide to NYC.
Starring Tiffany Diamond. Skeeter-her estranged husband Clark Masters as her boss, Jan and Amir-the clientele. REFRESH this daily page to RELOAD!
Jan's secretly seeing Tiffany's estranged husband Skeeter and arranged to get Tiffany fired. Tiffany's in love with Amir. Tiffany didn't know Amir was married until news reports of his sick wife.
Monday November 6th, 2000 Tiffany turned off the night light beside her bed glancing at Stanley Morgan's business card on the table. She stared into the empty dark room feeling it reflected her mood. Stanley had kissed her this afternoon in the back of his limo. She certainly wasn't attracted to Jan's Father but she had enjoyed a certain feeling of revenge against Jan. Stanley was a pushy old man. She had wondered many times how a pretty young blonde like Laney could stay with him. Money, that's how Stanley Morgan got everything. She knew she wasn't interested in living like that. The only thing she was guilty of was needing some revenge against Jan. She suspected Jan was seeing her estranged husband Skeeter and had arranged to get her fired from her job. When Stanley couldn't get her to go home with him today he had given her his card and begged her to call him if she needed anything. He had promised to talk to Clark and help her get her job back. She wondered if he would really help her since she wouldn't succumb to his advances. She sighed softly in the darkness and started to drift off into fitful sleep. The ringing of the phone beside the bed woke her and she sat up quickly and reached in the darkness for the phone. "Hello", she said clearing her throat and turning on the light with her spare hand. "Tiffany. I wake you?" Amir said in his broken English. "Amir," she said feeling warm all over by his familiar sexy voice. The memories of the newspaper reports of his undisclosed marriage came rushing back sending pains to her freshly broken heart. "I wish to talk to you very much," he said afraid she would hang up on him again. "Are you still on your island?" "Yes, I hope I come home soon. I wish to see you," he said his deep voice was filled with a mix of hope and doubt. "Oh God Amir," she said as tears once again flowed. "What? You are safe, no?" he asked worrying that Skeeter had been following her to the new apartment he had just arranged for her. "Yes, it's nothing like that." "We need very much to talk," he said wondering what the nosy media had reported since he left the country to attend his comatose wife on his island. "Why Amir? Why didn't you tell me that you were married?" "I plan this many times. I tell you honest, this I plan." "Then why? Why didn't you tell me? Is your wife alive? "Yes. She lives. She have coma for years," he said as his voice dropped in pain and regret. "Oh Amir. I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me though." "I worry I lose you." "Well that was the right thing to say." "I say truth from my heart. I love only you Tiffany. I have how you say…duty." "But what am I supposed to do Amir?" "I have no choice. She live or die, this I can not plan. I can not hope that she does not live." "Of course not. I do understand that." "We be together when I come home?" "I don't know Amir. You should have told me, this makes everything different. You should have told me and given me the chance to decide before we began. I certainly should have known before I agreed to move into your apartment." "What decision you make if this happen before?" "I don't know." "If you never wish to see my face again, this I understand. I take responsibility for this how you say…duty and …falling in love with you." CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE PHOTOS BELOW.
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Will Tiffany forgive Amir? Will Stanley help her get her job back?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom™ Copyright 1999-2000.

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